
The Saints Speak:

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May 17, 2016 by eneubauer

St. Paschal Baylon

St. Paschal Baylon

As I begin my day I like to spend time reading through the Liturgy of the Hours and the lives of the Saints.  Today I was struck by something specific I read regarding the life of St. Paschal Baylon (1540-1592).

First, I always find it interesting when I read that a Saint came from a poor or simple upbringing.  I love it when God uses the “least among us” to do something great.  It is a quick lesson that privilege, access to resources and social status are no guarantee that an individual will live a life of significance.  It is as if God is reminding us that He takes what is perceived to be weak and foolish in the world and makes something great.

Second, there seems to be similarities between the Saints.  Some common themes that I run across as I reflect on their lives are:

  1. Care for the poor, the least among us, our neighbors
  2. An embrace of humility and simplicity
  3. Love of prayer and the Eucharist (in particular Eucharistic Adoration)


The byproduct of such a life is wisdom.  Saints that embraced these values were known by their peers, church leaders and laity as go-to people, people of spiritual depth and wisdom.  These Saints were trusted, known for having valuable insights, and often worked miracles.

As I was reading about St. Paschal Baylon and reflecting on his life I had this thought.  God is right here.  His arms are outstretched and He is inviting us into intimate relationship though His son Jesus.  His gifts are accessible to all.

Question:  Are we willing to walk into a relationship with God where the embrace and exercise of these values is a priority in our lives?

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